CHRISTMAS TOUR - The Forest Rabbits

1 year ago

CHRISTMAS TOUR - The Forest Rabbits

It is a special instrumental music/Christian praise video so you can relax and meditate on the biblical passages from Proverbs 3 about wisdom as a source of peace and comfort for life.
In the extremely troubled world we live in, it is excellent to be able to have minutes or hours to rest your mind and heart, dedicating your focus to greater values such as human life, love, friendship and the contemplation of God.
This is the purpose of this video, so that you can feel more connected with spiritual life, forgetting about the problems of this world through phrases and images.


Ɖ um vĆ­deo especial de musica instrumental / louvor cristĆ£o para que vocĆŖ possa relaxar e meditar nas passagens bĆ­blicas de ProvĆ©rbios 3 a respeito da sabedoria como fonte de paz e conforto para a vida.
No mundo que vivemos, extremamente conturbado, Ć© excelente poder ter minutos ou horas para descansar a mente e o coraĆ§Ć£o, dedicando o foco para valores maiores como a vida humana, o amor, a amizade e a contemplaĆ§Ć£o de Deus.
Esta Ć© a proposta deste vĆ­deo, para que vocĆŖ possa se sentir mais conectado com a vida espiritual, esquecendo dos problemas deste mundo por meio das frases e das imagens.


This channel aims to offer a welcoming environment with calm or inspiring music and videos for resting, studying or general entertainment. Ideal for the home, study environments or meetings with friends.
Good memories, moments of laser or relaxation, comfort and serenity are some of the sensations proposed for you, your friends and your family.
Also feel free to give ordering suggestions.

Thank you very much for your visit and follow the work on this channel!

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