Meow Gong Part 2 + Hand Stretches | Easy Qi Gong Video I 1 Hour + Live, Full Length, Home Workout

1 year ago

LIVE Every Monday 11:30am and Wednesday 1:30-3 (on my youtube)
We can breathe together and do Qi Gong

If Today is Sunny - go get that Vitamin D xoxoxoxo
even if not - absorb it through the clouds *

link to relaxing penguin music:

affiliate link to essential oil blend:

Grab the AMAZING pain relieving redox gel here:
Hear more about it here:

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Even $1 subscription in Patreon makes a HUGE difference for me! Thank you!!! :)

I hope to help you all build your qi at 1:30pm Mondays and Wednesdays on my youtube. What does building your qi help with? oh I'm glad you asked - let me make a list of 10 things for you

1. be on purpose - do things in your life with intention
2. Feel loved - yes building your qi is an act of self-care and self-love and its hard to not feel loved when you practice it and have this self-discipline every day
3. helps digestion! yeah ! digesting our food and getting rid of the toxic in what we eat is very important
4. helps joint pain
5. helps with flexibility
6. builds muscle
7. better Boundaries in life - when our qi is stronger the haters are weaker
8. being more magnetic - getting the relationships and jobs you dream about!
9. Relaxation and rest - if you are having trouble sleeping or taking breaks this discipline can help you so much
10. Just being yourself - you don't have to be anyone else - you are perfect as you!

thank you again for relaxing and breathing. It's good for all of us

Here is this great Mudra book!
M.U.D.R.A.S Yoga in your hands by Gertrud Hirschi

You can check out some other live classes here:

March 16th

March 18th

March 23rd

March 25th

March 30th

April 1st

April 6th

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