The Pope and Justice Energy Vlog

1 year ago

The Pope and Justice Energy Vlog title is from the date November 23, 2023 thus we have 41 or # 5 the Hierophant card, giving us the pope of old or a spiritual messengers. The Justice card comes from SRTD site.

The schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site showed us two amplitudes. The first amplitude power of 11 thus the Justice card, let it be fair balanced and true. From the A2 chart we have a power of 14 The Temperance Card seeking balance and urging us to be measured in our pursuits. The quality power of 20.0 thus giving us the Judgement card the clarion call to wake up! To see clearly what need to happen. The frequency average of 7.62 hertz, thus we have #15 the Devil card. what are your addictions or obsessions? Is the devil just an equiregore a mankind created thought form by the satanist and reinforced by the christines in a negative way. Therefore when we look at it all we have the Hierophant being brought to Justice for the Judgement on his deal with the Devil.

Space Weather News site showed us a possible Clkass M CME comign straight o at us. We should see it in the data within two days. The solar wind density was about five protons; the wind speed is just below 400 kilometer per second and the wind temperature is a blazing 80,000 kelvin. The KP index is all in the green zone though it did dip to zero level from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm UTC.

I shared a clip from the Dig It rumble video on a President of tthe minniaplois fedr eral reserve bank dissing Central Bank Digital Coins (CBDC) saying thereis no reason to go there.

I pulled two cards from the Sacred Spirit Oracle deck. the first card Third Eye Vision, reclaim your mind, The second card is Hidden Realms, create conscious awareness o fyour intuition in whatever clairesence you resonate with.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather News Site:
Dig It Rumble Video:

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