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Wheel of the Year Traditions

1 year ago

Raechel Henderson discusses her book The Natural Home Wheel of the Year.

Raechel Henderson is a Pagan and witch, following an eclectic and independent path. She currently works with Hestia and Turtle in her magical practice. She contributes articles to Llewellyn's almanacs and calendars and she blogs about magic, creativity, and living by your own patterns. Raechel is a dual class seamstress/shieldmaiden and has been sewing professionally since 2008. She is also the author of Sew Witchy, The Scent of Lemon & Rosemary, and The Natural Home Wheel of the Year.

Host Bonnie Burkert melds the worlds of media and higher consciousness, sharing tools for transformation to find our highest truth and live our brightest life. https://www.instagram.com/yogi_bon/

#pagan #wheeloftheyear #witch traditions #yuletraditions #yule #podcast #bonnieburkert #yogibon #truth be told transformation #clubparanormal #metaphysical podcast


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