The Great Myths: The Odyssey | The Journey Into Hell (Episode 5)

7 months ago

Episode 5: A year has passed. It is time for Odysseus and his men to leave the witch Circe’s island and return to Ithaca. To do so, they must first go to meet the prophet Tiresias in the Underworld. Only he can tell them what to do to appease Poseidon's wrath.

So they leave for the land of the Cimmerians where, after having made a sacrifice to attract the soul of Tiresias, they are soon assailed by ghosts. Odysseus speaks with his mother, Anticlea, who died of grief. Then with Tiresias who tells them about the difficulties they will encounter, and how to avoid them. From Olympus, Zeus is enraged to know that once again, Odysseus defies the gods by going to hell, a place forbidden to mortals...

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