
8 months ago

Here's a list of 100 positive "I Am" affirmations:
1. I Am confident 2. I Am strong 3. I Am capable 4. I Am successful 5. I Am healthy 6. I Am wealthy 7. I Am happy 8. I Am grateful 9. I Am loved 10. I Am loving 11. I Am positive 12. I Am optimistic 13. I Am peaceful 14. I Am calm 15. I Am resilient 16. I Am resourceful 17. I Am creative 18. I Am intelligent 19. I Am wise 20. I Am insightful 21. I Am compassionate 22. I Am kind 23. I Am generous 24. I Am enthusiastic 25. I Am energetic 26. I Am vibrant 27. I Am radiant 28. I Am powerful 29. I Am influential 30. I Am respected 31. I Am admired 32. I Am appreciated 33. I Am valued 34. I Am joyful 35. I Am playful 36. I Am fun-loving 37. I Am adventurous 38. I Am courageous 39. I Am daring 40. I Am bold 41. I Am fearless 42. I Am assertive 43. I Am decisive 44. I Am focused 45. I Am disciplined 46. I Am persistent 47. I Am determined 48. I Am flexible 49. I Am adaptable 50. I Am open-minded 51. I Am understanding 52. I Am forgiving 53. I Am patient 54. I Am gentle 55. I Am harmonious 56. I Am balanced 57. I Am serene 58. I Am content 59. I Am fulfilled 60. I Am complete 61. I Am whole 62. I Am self-sufficient 63. I Am independent 64. I Am free 65. I Am liberated 66. I Am authentic 67. I Am genuine 68. I Am unique 69. I Am original 70. I Am innovative 71. I Am visionary 72. I Am inspiring 73. I Am motivated 74. I Am passionate 75. I Am driven 76. I Am purposeful 77. I Am spiritual 78. I Am enlightened 79. I Am aware 80. I Am conscious 81. I Am present 82. I Am mindful 83. I Am centered 84. I Am aligned 85. I Am grounded 86. I Am secure 87. I Am stable 88. I Am prosperous 89. I Am affluent 90. I Am abundant 91. I Am rich 92. I Am charitable 93. I Am empathetic 94. I Am nurturing 95. I Am supportive 96. I Am protective 97. I Am loyal 98. I Am trustworthy 99. I Am reliable 100. I Am honorable These affirmations are designed to foster a sense of positive self-identity and empowerment. Regularly affirming these qualities can help in cultivating a positive mindset and self-perception.

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