Hasidic ad || What kind of Shabbes meal is this?

1 year ago


This is the new, new age Hasid! The traveling, influencer, modern man who retains a very strong cultural distinction. He speaks Yiddish, eats only the most appropriate foods on shabbes, wears the Hasidic garb -- he's totally a Hasidic Jew from maybe Williamsburg or Boro Park! But he also loves to travel, uses a smartphone, is adept at live streaming culture, and wants to enjoy the finest luxuries when abroad. There are so many businesses cropping up for this new type of Hasidic Jew, and shabbes meals on the go is one of them.

Internally, there's surely a pushback against this new trend. Many in the community frown on this, and the obsession with gluttonous eating, called FRESS, raises a lot of eyebrows or sighs. So if you want to understand this world, you have to take the internet trends in context of the criticisms it gets in the Hasidic world.

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