Empress Sisi's Missing Wedding Dress

7 months ago

After Austrian Empress Elisabeth married Emperor Franz Joseph in Vienna in 1854, her wedding dress disappeared. Commonly known as Sisi, the Empress has long been quite the celebrity in Europe. Her rebellious nature has been depicted in films like Corsage and the chart-topping Netflix series The Empress. Yet, despite her popularity, Empress Sisi’s wedding dress has been veiled in secrecy for almost 200 years. Now, thanks to a series of clues, Austrian researcher Dr. Monica Kurzel-Runtscheiner may have solved the ancient sartorial puzzle. Sisi’s other dresses, including the one worn at her daughter’s engagement party, are on display in Austrian museums.
Knowledge of this wedding dress has always been hidden. That’s because journalists, illustrators, or anyone who could chronicle the event were banned from the Imperial wedding.


Ronan O'Connell, The Missing Wedding Dress of Empress Sisi, Atlas Obscura, https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/empress-sisi-wedding-dress

Petra Herzberg, 7 Secrets of Empress Sisi, Buergerleben, https://www.buergerleben.com/en/7-geheimnisse-von-kaiserin-sisi-die-du-wahrscheinlich-noch-nicht-kennst-kopie/

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