Double vaxxed Matthew Dyllon gets polio. His doctor says ‘COVID’ caused it

1 year ago

Double vaxxed 43-year-old Matthew Dyllon got ‘COVID’ at the end of December 2022, but his symptoms were mild. Then he got neurological problems which became worse as time went on. Doctors struggled to diagnose the ‘mystery illness’.

Matthew’s muscles and lungs started to fail. He couldn’t breathe or cough properly. His core muscles weren’t working, so he couldn’t sit up straight.

His current diagnosis is (post-COVID) transverse myelitis, which is inflammation in the spinal cord.

NB: Transverse myelitis used to be called polio. After the introduction of the polio ‘vaccine’, the authorities decided to split the diagnosis up into many other diseases such as transverse myelitis, multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), etc. In other words, the clinical DISEASE didn’t disappear, but the DIAGNOSIS did.

Incidentally, a participant in Pfizer’s clinical trials of the COVID jab in 2020 also got transverse myelitis, but happily, Pfizer’s doctors concluded the disease wasn’t related to the vaccine. Pfew! They nearly missed out on a $100 billion revenue.

Matthew and his partner Kylie Purser urge everyone not to forget COVID carriers real risks. “Don’t be so complacent. Protect yourself. Protect your family.” Get vaccinated! It’s safe and effective! (And no, claims that the COVID jabs cause neurological damage are just medical misinformation spread by anti-vaxxers who refuse to follow the science. There is no proof about this whatsoever.)

Matthew’s GoFundMe campaign:


Life destroyed by Pfizer jab: polio, excruciating pain, spasms - Registered nurse Danielle Baker

Ryker Has Polio From Vaccines

HPV Vaccine Destroyed Colton’s Life

"I continue to get emails daily from people with extremely severe" vaxx adverse effects - Aussie GP
👆 Antonio experienced inflammation of the spinal cord (myelitis), and despite a lengthy rehabilitation, remains unable to walk unassisted.

Censored: Moderna jab causes multiple sclerosis in young mother

Neurological Adverse Reactions to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines (Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience, 30-5-2023; Finsterer)

Teenager Jasmine Comeau wheelchair bound after being coerced into medically unnecessary jab


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