Great Dane Is More Than Ready To Celebrate Thanksgiving

6 years ago

Out of all the rare and unusual animals that have been caught on camera, this one has to be the most unusual one - a Turkey Dane! See how it looks like a Great Dane, with his slender body and long legs, but his face resembles very much like a delicious bird!

Relax, it is only Max the Great Dane, eager to wear his Thanksgiving costume! Some like to dress up for Halloween, others can’t wait for Christmas, but these two lovable pooches will do anything for Turkey day!

Max and Katie love the holidays. Max has given some serious thought to his Thanksgiving outfit and is giving a sneak preview of his collection of holiday hats. Katie's outfit is still a work in progress…

This pair of massive canine siblings is a star duo online, what with their hilarious antics and their love for <a href="" target="_blank">squirrels</a>. Great Danes might look formidable, but they are just huge Teddy Bears!

Size notwithstanding, a <a href="" target="_blank">Great Dane</a> is a sweet, affectionate companion. They love to play and are gentle with children. Their disposition is a peaceful one, although they have yet to lose any of the courageousness that helped them hunt wild boar. Although they aren't particularly vocal, despite their killer power bark, they wouldn't hesitate to defend the family.

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