By Grace Through Faith With Hope

1 year ago

Today's "Unanswered prayers" are mostly rooted in faith preacher and televangelist messages concerning all that God is going to do for us in accordance with the power of our faith and confessions--which is pure BS!

Commonsense dictates that if our faith and confessions had the power to bring forth our promises then the grace of God would not be needed because the power of our faith and confessions would be self-sufficient.

Know that in order to receive a promise for the Lord you must learn how to simultaneously walk in the Spirit of your past, present, and future; or in other words, by grace through faith with hope.

That concept isn't as super-spiritual as it sounds simply because every Olympic hopeful who had ever become an Olympic champion did so as he or she simultaneously walked in the spirit of his or her past, present, and future; or in other words, by grace through faith with hope, being the progressive power of spiritual balance.

As that formula has the power to convert you from who and what you have always been, and into who and what the Lord had all along desired for you to become--a winner!

It's the winners who are allowed to cash-in their promissory notes in order to take possessions of promises, while the losers are forced to remain in the waters of poverty and/or anonymity.

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