Home Made Baked Beans

1 year ago


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Home Canned Baked Beans
Makes 8x 1 litre jars or 16x 500ml jars.

1.5kg of Navy or Great Northern Beans (use 3 if you want your beans to have more sauce). Sort, rinse and drain. Cover with fresh water,, bring to a boil, turn of heat and soak for 1 hour. Drain again, add fresh water and bring to a boil.

For the sauce:
2.3 litres of tomato juice
1.2 litres of tomato sauce
👆 OR 3.5 litres fresh tomatoes sauced = 3.85KG

1 cup of chopped fresh onion
2 cup of brown sugar
1/2 c of molasses
2 TBspoon Cider vinegar
1-2 TBspoon liquid smoke (optional)
2 tsp dry ground mustard
1 tsp allspice (substitute - 1/2tsp Cinnamon 1/4tsp Cloves 1/4tsp Nutmeg)
1 tsp salt
2 tsp black pepper
Bring to a simmer

Fill your jars ~2/3 - 3/4 full (less 1" headspace) with prepared beans. Add sauce to 1" headspace. Debubble, wipe rims, add lids and bands. Process in pressure canner for 90 minutes for quarts, 75 minutes for pints.

This is a low acid food so it must be pressure canned.
No need to sterilize jars if pressure canning just make sure they are clean. Prepare the jars by soaking in hot water to accommodate the hot ingredients.

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