Live Chat IndusTokens - Brief Review 2023.11.22 Wednesday

10 months ago

Live Chat IndusTokens
- Brief Review 2023.11.22 Wednesday

Opening: Cardigan

Close: Blinding Lights

- Lunar 10.10 Julian 11.9
- 326 day 39 days left

Open The Bible
- Revelation 6
- Psamls 23


Today 11.22 In History
( (

AP 11.22
- JFK 1963.11.22 60 yrs
— if not us who if not now when

- First gene lac operon - 1969.11.22 54 yrs

- 2020 American Music Award


Back to the future
1. East West
- Louisiana oil spill
- 到处都是黑色的油

- Navy 海军 - longhushan 龙虎山

- P-8A Poseidon

2. Whip codes- JFK fan
- 3.14 (
- GL1 - GUARDIAN token set

3. Rainbow
- Canada
- Niagara falls (
- Elon Musk tweet 2021-0603 (

4. Financials
- OpenAI Sam Altman

- Binance CZ
- RT - MAS

- Macy's 梅西 strike

5. Health
- Collagen

( for balance

Enjoy The Journey!

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