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JAR - Trial by FEVER

1 year ago

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For years now, the American people have been told to "trust the science". The pernicious effects of the blind adherence to this line of thinking have manifested itself in many forms; myocarditis, pericarditis, blood clots, and cardiac arrest to name a few. While those who were badgered into making life altering decisions concerning their health should be forgiven for doing so without all the proper studies being made available (thanks to broad censorship on the subject), those who called for mandates should not be granted amnesty. With trust in our healthcare institutions at a record low we now have a population still hungover from the Covid fiasco who are unwilling to admit the money game that Big Pharma plays. And as new technology continues to develop as it pertains to gene-editing and gene edited therapeutics, the same players in this game are once again on the starting line. DARPA, Oxitec, Bill Gates, and the Pentagon have released super bug mosquitos in the United States despite backlash from natives in the Florida Keys with not a single vote taken on the decision. The mosquitos are genetically modified but we are the guinea pigs...
Welcome to the new eugenics movement.
#jamesanthonyreport #geneediting #science
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Bio labs funded by the Pentagon exist in 25 countries around the world. Under the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), using DARPA research, along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and a company named Oxitec, something called "gene drive development" is being used to alter the genetics of Aedes Agypti, better known as the Yellow Fever Mosquito. Back on April 30th of this year some 750 million of these gene edited mosquitos were released in the Florida Keys by Oxitec and the Florida Keys Mosquito Control Board despite a demand by several environmental groups for a referendum on the election ballot to which, of course, they were denied. The release, the company claims, is to kill off the presence of the mosquito which can carry Dengue fever, Zika, and a host of other diseases. However, in trials done by Oxitec in Brazil in 2020 results showed that after an initial reduction in mosquito population they came back in full force and with a hybrid vigor and were resistant to insecticides. In short, a "super bug" was created. Keep in mind that, if you are to believe anything the CDC claims, there were no reports of Zika virus in 2020 with only a small number of fever cases reported in the Keys. Arguably more concerning was the emergence of Grey Frandsen as the CEO of Oxitec in 2017. With no experience in biotechnology, he's been known to have played a role in the destruction of entire countries as a Fellow of the George Soros International Crisis Group and whose company is now owned by the same people bringing you gene edited salmon from producer AquaBounty. And Frandsen himself is funded by the single biggest private donor to the World Health Organization (WHO) in Bill Gates
who successfully bypassed a block on CRISPR technology in 2016 by recruiting 65 so-called "experts" to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) which included a Gates Foundation senior advisor, A DARPA representative, and scientists who received DARPA money. This all, of course, being the prelude to the gene edited Covid-19 "vaccines". And still yet we have Eric Lander, the Biden Administrations pick for science advisor who came from Harvard and specializes in gene editing technology. The obvious point here is that this is not science. And in the very least should point you to the money trail concerning the layers of the new eugenics movement.
This is James Anthony Reporting.


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