Ausra Paulaitiene

7 months ago

Healing energies from god source.
Drink plenty of water.

Fluids fill virtually every space in cells and
between them.

Water molecules not only fill
space, but they also help form the structures of
macromolecules such as proteins and glycogen.

As the primary fluid in the body, water serves
as a solvent for minerals, vitamins, amino acids,
glucose, and many other nutrients.

Water also plays a key role in the digestion, absorption,
transportation, and use of nutrients.

Water is the medium for the safe elimination of toxins and waste
products and whole-body thermoregulation is criti-
cally dependent on it.

From energy production to joint lubrication to reproduction, there is no system in the body that does not depend on water.

No wonder people can survive for about a month
without food, but would die in several days in even a mild
climate without water. Thank you.

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