NEWS November 21, 2023 Sierra - A Shout Out To Our Galactic Friends -

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7 months ago

Stargate Newsletter
I am Sierra. I am a Galactic ambassador for the Light. There are many Galactic ambassadors on Earth right now. We came to help humanity ascend to the Fifth Dimension. Beloved Gaia is already well on her way in her Ascension. I will share with you my personal Ascension journey and my thoughts on global events. Welcome. Where We Go One We Go All!

A Shout Out To Our Galactic Friends
November 21, 2023
I am devoting this post to our Galactic friends.

Where We Go One We Go All...!

Here are three photos of cloud ships. The first two were taken from my house in New Zealand. The third picture was taken from blog reader AndreA's house in Italy. Our Galactic friends are always nearby. All you have to do is look up and enjoy their visits.

New Zealand...

New Zealand...

This is a superb photo of a cloud ship in Italy, thanks for sharing AndreA.

Cloud ships are an almost every day occurrence if you have the eyes to see. They are not easy to photograph unless you have superior equipment. These are starships that use clouds to semi-cloak themselves so as not to alarm Earth's population. I believe they will de-cloak much more frequently from now on.

At night, look for 'stars' that disappear then reappear on a steady path. They are starships that are decloaking briefly so you can see them. Often they will flash a brilliant signal of bright light if you wave. My record for being flashed by one starship was 46 times as it slowly crossed the sky. Needless to say, I was beside myself with joy. These are my people, my family, my friends. I miss them.

Our Galactic friends are supporting us with great love as we steadily adjust our frequency and ascend into the higher dimensions. Allison Coe channels some wonderful messages from the Galactics. Now you will be treated to a (rough) sample of my hand-writing. I have had this excerpt from one of Allison's regressions on my office wall for years so it is a bit faded.

Finally, Light Warriors, our mission is to liberate humanity and bring Unity Consciousness to 5D Earth. People who are not interested in participating in Unity Consciousness will continue their lessons in another 3D setting. They WILL ascend eventually. Every soul makes it back to Source - it's just a matter of how long.

We can role model Unity Consciousness every day. It might be a phone call to check on an ill neighbor (I made such a call this morning - my elderly neighbor is in hospital after an ambulance trip a few days ago) or smiling and chatting to the check out operators (I make a point of doing this every time I pass through a checkout. They are people too). These simple acts have far more impact than we can ever imagine.

Light Warriors, the pointy end of our mission is here. We prayed, wished and dreamed of this time for years - some of us decades. IT IS HERE. What an amazing achievement that we made it to the finish-line. Working undercover on 3D Earth to liberate humanity has been the most extraordinary mission in our entire soul history.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light

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