Cancer Cure within Reach?

1 year ago

Cancer has touched virtually every household in America. The latest statistics from the National Cancer Institute reveal that nearly 40 percent of all men and women in the United States will be diagnosed with cancer at some time during their lives. Those numbers can rise based upon age, sex, race, and lifestyle choices.
So, we were cautiously encouraged to read a report from the Blaze Media proclaiming a possible “kill switch” that may prompt certain cancer cells to self-destruct. According to the report, a patient’s own T-cells can be collected and trained to spot the C-95 “death receptors” residing on cancer cell membranes. Once activated by a patient’s modified T-Cells which are returned by intravenous drip, cancer cells die.
Unfortunately, promising results have only been seen thus far when this strategy is employed against malignancies in highly fluid environments such as leukemia and other blood-related cancers. When applied to hardened masses like tumors of the lung, breast or bowel, these treatments were largely unsuccessful.
However, hope remains that a wider breakthrough is within reach…IF the “powers that be” choose to fund it and allow it to see the light of day. And this is why we are only “cautiously encouraged.”
We asked the artificial intelligence service Chat GPT-4 whether medical science has ever totally eradicated any illness and it could name only two…Smallpox in 1980 and Rinderpest in 2011. Then, it produced a list of other diseases which still await eradication.
The dirty little secret is that the medical and pharmaceutical sectors of our economy are huge money makers. And billions of dollars continue to be spent around the world to prevent diseases like cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
As children, we probably all recall the Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethons which droned on for the better part of 24 hours. Every Labor Day weekend from 1966 to 2014, the telethons presented a steady stream of Vegas-style song, dance, and comedy, heart-rending testimonies, sympathetic victims, scientific education, fund-raising and emotional theatrics from the worn-out emcee. American viewers were promised that their gifts would help bring an end to this childhood scourge.
We do not question the motives or challenge the sincerity of its founder. We honestly believe Jerry Lewis desired to see Muscular Dystrophy brought to an end for every last one of “his kids.” But after 57 years and two and a half billions of dollars in donations, Wikipedia tells us no cure has yet been found.
And we can’t help but wonder, “Why?”!/donation/checkout

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