22Nov23 David Knight Show UNABRIDGED

10 months ago

(9:13) Attending Physicians Debunk JFK Lone Shooter as Conspiracy LIE
As people near the end of life, they want to set the record straight.  After the Secret Service agent 2 months ago, now we have testimony from JFK's attending physicians — FBI/CIA all lied.

(26:37) NSA's Diversity Equity Inclusivity GLOSSARY — it truly defines their Marxist class struggle tactics and their own racism, sexism, and hatred for America

(37:41) The Finnish Line: Finland's Border Actions Show What Trump Could've Done — But DID NOT
Both Finland's PM and EU President Ursula Von Der Leyden rage against Russia's weaponized migration across the Finnish border — the hypocrisy of supporting the Great Replacement elsewhere while outraged at Russian weaponized migration.  But they are actually doing what we pleaded with Trump to do in 2017.

(44:39) Poland is reluctant to join the EU Digital ID/CBDC suicide pact for centralized control.  Israel, on the other hand, is integrating biometric data in new ways

(55:57) As Republicans push against TikTok, Gov Hochul in NY joins to push to set a precedent of banning entire websites, using the likely CIA based anti-semitism of the "Osama bin Laden Letter to America".  But Hochul is also ramping of indoctrination of children and "Pre-Crime Hate Crimes"

(1:05:13) Democrat Gov of KY, Beshear, says stopping the psychological gaslighting and mutilation of children is "dehumanizing" after winning an election where he supported abortion and attacked parental rights and the family.

(1:17:19) "I Seen a Horsefly" — Horse Gets Loose on a Plane
(1:21:36) GPS is not only being interfered with but "spoofed" and it looks like Russia is far more advanced in this weapon

(1:27:41) James Bovard gets even with the TSA and its insane authoritarianism

(1:46:01) Can money make you happy? Most Americans think it can.  Here's the amount they think equals happiness, and it differs significantly by generation

(1:58:14) Many economists and observers believe the Federal Reserve will open the floodgates in 2024 for the election, radically lowering interest rates and ramping up inflation.  So do central banks everywhere and THIS is what they're doing to prepare…

(2:04:04)  Are central banks preparing to move to some kind of gold backing?
(2:15:18) Trans-giving — Macy's wants to make the Thanksgiving Parade about trannies but many of the conservatives complaining don't seem to have any idea about what to do — except watch TV
(2:22:58) Mary, Martha, Jesus and Martha Stewart — A Reflection on Thanksgiving
(2:30:09) Should we avoid talking about politics at Thanksgiving?

(2:33:03) At the turkey pardoning ceremony, Biden makes the unpardonable sin (to some) of confusing Beyonce, Taylor Swift, and Britney Spears

(2:37:18) Thanksgiving in other countries and its origins in the Christian faith in America

(2:49:51) Why do shepherds anoint their sheep's head with oil?

(2:53:19) Chuck Norris on the psychological and physiological benefits of exercise — exercising your "gratitude"

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