GoldSeek Radio Nugget - Bob Hoye: "It's Going to Be a Very Happy World for Gold Stocks."

5 months ago

Bob Hoye, Market historian and author, founder of ( offers Market commentary on the recent increase in market volatility from his home office in Vancouver, B.C.

- Our guest is observing heightened financial market risks.
- Fed could soon lower rates - T-bill rates may have peaked and could head lower.
- Gold performs consistently throughout financial market bubbles.
- Gold's real-price tends to move up following market bubbles, a good sign.
- Expect gold to outperform on a relative basis.
- A multi-year bull market in the XAU and GDXJ could outperform the S&P.
- Bob views the current global economy as a "Post-bubble contraction."
- is excited to add music from the remarkably talented musicians, Ms. Nancy Sidley and Cody Killian, from the IMH church in Hayesville NC, under the purview of Father Alejandro "Alex" Ayala.:
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church - Hayesville, NC

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