Project Looking Glass: The Danger of Knowing the Future

1 year ago

Thank you for watching! In this video, we look at Project Looking Glass, a black-ops project involving future knowledge and the dangers that knowing the future holds for those that God's Word describes as the wicked. Did you know the Bible has something to say about those who know the future and try to control it?Project Looking Glass could very likely be the origin of the predictive programming aspects that we see in the media and what is amazing is to see that the information shared by those involved with this program actually aligns with what is written in God's Word. If you're a believer in the biblical prophecy and are eagerly waiting for the Rapture of the church, then you'll want to watch this video!

If you would like to delve a little deeper into what Project Looking Glass is, please watch the video below:

To see the video in which the Monopoly man's monocle is removed, please see below:

To get ready for the Rapture, watch this video:

A very important series about the Harvest and Temple model and how these relate to the First Resurrection mentioned in Revelation 20 can be viewed at the link below:

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predictive programming, rapture 2023, November 23, rapture, scorpio, the rapture, the rapture date, 239 in media, the rapture, predictive programming, November 23, the rapture, last days, end times, war, world war, albert pike, israel war, world war 3, 3 world wars, Hamas, Bible, Jesus

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