Prophetic Word: They plan to Attack (But it FAILS Miserably!)

7 months ago

Hello Brothers, Hello Sisters in Christ!

Today, I want to share a crucial Prophetic Word from the Lord. The Spirit revealed that some of you are being closely watched, almost like a hawk, by certain individuals or groups planning to attack you once again. But the Lord assures you that these attacks will fail miserably. Despite the enemy's surveillance and plans, their efforts will not succeed.
In a recent vision, I saw a hawk attempting to capture a small deer but failing due to the deer's unexpected strength and resilience. This image is symbolic of the situation many of you are facing. Your adversaries have attacked you in the past and are circling back, hoping for success this time. However, the Lord emphasizes that they will not only fail but will also be injured, blocked, and disgraced, never to return in the same manner against you.

You will always need to test the Spirit with every word that I deliver on God's behalf!
*Test the Spirit video: Always Test The Spirit! (Easy Tutorial) ☝🏾 We Only Prophecy in Part!

I urge you to take heed of this warning and join me in prayer to seal God's protection over our lives. As we pray, we bind all principalities, powers, and wicked spirits operating against us in Jesus' name. We decree the dismantling and destruction of every form of wickedness aimed at us, whether it be witchcraft, black magic, word curses, lies, slander, or any other act of evil. We thank God for His assurance that our attackers will fail, and we declare His protection over us.
I pray that you will receive this word with faith and confidence, knowing that God is always with you, guarding and guiding you. Remember, we are here on purpose to glorify God in Jesus' Holy Name. May you all have a blessed day filled with God's grace and peace!

📚 The Holy Scripture (King James Version) that was referenced in the video:
📖 1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

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