Is your kid really yours? is he or she your blood baby? maybe NOT! baby switching in hospitals!!!

7 months ago

Is your baby/kid really yours? is he or she your blood baby? maybe NOT! baby switching in hospitals!!!
Even if the mom had a baby it still my NOT be hers at all!! this is do to baby SWITCHING at hospitals!!! is your kids your flesh & blood kids?
Baby switching has been going on in ALL hospitals!!! since hospitals!!! were around & even today 11-22-23 hospitals are getting away with baby switching at birth at all the hospitals!!!
Just in the last couple years a couple had Triplets at a hospitals!!! after a shoet time the dad (well he thought he was the dad until he had a DNA done) the DNA proved he was NOT the dad. the dad talked with his wife & she said she had no idea why her husband was NOT the dad. so the dad said you cheated on me & I am divorcing you NOW BYE so he left & never talked to his wife again oh wait theirs a LOT more to this then just that:
A few more months go by & now the (thought she was the mom had a DNA to the triplets) the DNA PROVED she was NOT the mom at all & was NOT related to her triples. so both the mom & the dad were NOT related to the triplets that brought home from the SWITCHING kids hospital!!! hold on there's more:
So now since neither of any of the triplets brought home from the hospital was the mom's or dads! now the mom decides to higher a police detective: that police detective showed indeed the triples were SWITCHED at the hospital! & he had pictures of there real BLOOD TRIPLETS & they looked like carbon copy's of the real mom & dad! FACT NEVER go behind your loved one & have a DNA done just of the kids & you because there are 3 people involved:
#3..THE KID or in this case triplets baby switching at hospitals!! have been going on since hospitals!!! after you have NEW BORNS at ANY hospital & after you bring the baby you were given home have a DNA done of all 3 the MOM, THE DAD & the BABY. it may NOT be your kid & I would say probably NOT! you can NOT trust any hospital! period.....!

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