Tapping into Creative Flow State - Client Channeling

10 months ago

Peace & Presence
Meditation Practices
Allowing thoughts to be diffused
Drift off into a Daydream
Stress Bucket Analyzation
Creativity comes from within

In this Higher Self Channeling for one of my Clients, we are told that the ability to tap into creative energy comes from a place of presence. For it is within a day dream that these moments of inspiration can occur. If you feel bogged down by thoughts, it is to allow them to occur, so much so that you drift off past them and into a day dream. If you feel like you do not have the time to create presence within your daily life, then it is to analyze your stress buckets and discern what might not be serving you any longer, to make space and time to tap into this creative energetic flow state.

I offer personal channelings, tarot readings and one on one assistance on my website. The link is in my profile. Here is the address,


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