Time Travel to your Past

9 months ago

Beliefs create your reality
External shifts come from within
You can visit a previous self and bring healing or advice
Presence + Awareness
Time is simultaneous
Infinite Versions of you

The AMAZING women’s health practitioner ➡️ Kiara Marie Wellness (tagged on tik tok) 🥰 my experiences with her are life changing! Definitely can vouch for her 🤍. So, Believe it or not, wink wink, but you can visualize visiting yourself in a past moment and give advice or healing to that version of you. This is because time does not exist as we perceive it. Doing this with consistency can open you up to the awareness of your future self visiting you in the present, and then it comes down to your presence. My higher self also describes that an infinite amount of timeline realities play out with every choice or decision we make. Such an interesting idea that I might expand upon in later channelings. If you were to visit a past self, what version of you would that be and what would you say or do?


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