What Does the Iranian Revolution 1979 Have to do With Western Democracies of Today?

6 months ago

Nick Hudson presented at the International Crisis Summit in Bucharest, Romania, on 19 November 2023. In this short clip from his 15 minute presentation, he links the same secret societies who have been covertly running genocidal terror campaigns against human populations in the poor world for many decades, with the terror campaign currently underway against all of 'lower class' humanity. That's you and I, in case you haven't worked it out yet. The intent is to impose an authoritarian global governance via agencies of the United Nations, beginning with the World Health Organization.

They need you to believe this is a conspiracy theory. Only with enough secrecy can they pull this off against 8 billion people.

Hudson's proposition, that there are three conditions which confirm a globalist scam, has been dubbed "Hudson's Razor". The three conditions for Hudson's Razor are:
1. There's an invisible problem which will affect the entire globe;
2. There's a solution which requires the entire globe to comply;
3. All dissent against such ideas must be silenced.

VIDEO SOURCE: https://www.internationalcovidsummit.com/

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