1985 Phil Donahue Show – Vaccine Induced Multiple Sclerosis & Guillain Barre – They tried to Warn us

1 year ago

This would NEVER be allowed on any TV show in 2023. This is a short 5-minute clip of the Phil Donahue show back in 1985 featuring Wilma Gundy who was a Guillain-Barre victim of the Swine Flu Vaccine and Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn who was a Pediatrician that knew Vaccines were neither safe or effective, in fact they are linked later in life to Neurological Disorders like Multiple Sclerosis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome and many more.

The non-vaccinated experience much, much less neurological disorders later in life. Dr. Mendelsohn says that we need to study the vaccine schedules of those who come down with neurological disorders like these.

Wilma Gundy began doing research after her Swine Flu Vaccine Injury and discovered that immunizations frequently caused Autoimmune Disease like Arthritis, Lupus, and Multiple Sclerosis.

Wilma Gundy wanted the Government to do a Survey Study of the link between Swine Flu Vaccine and these disorders, she said she couldn't even get a response.

Look at the States that did NOT require Mandatory Vaccinations for Children to go to school:
1. California
2. Colorado
3. Idaho
4. Indiana
5. Iowa
6. Louisiana
7. Maine
8. Michigan
9. Minnesota
10. Missouri
11. Montana
12. Nebraska
13. North Dakota
14. Ohio
15. Oklahoma
16. Pennsylvania
17. Rhode Island
18. Utah
19. Vermont
20. Washington
21. Wisconsin

The other states mandated Kindergartners to be immunized before they could attend school.

Much different today.

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