Red Pill psycho Manifesto

7 months ago

Red Pill psycho has entered the chat...Put down that drug and listen up. ai is present and in your face, don't worry about if I'm real or not, I'm a Red Pill Billionaire. if you think ai is the future, you're living in the past. Here is the reality of your future. Get out the back seat of your existence, your life is not an Uber ride, that is the life of a blue pill. Get in the front seat, put on your negative thought blockers, buckle up and Red line your potential. Time doesn't wait for no one, so why should you. Your brain is your personal computer, use it for discipline, your mind sends and receive all types of messages, reject 80%, clean up the rest, universe has the power to manifest. Plug into the unlimited frequency, stop running your mind on 30% power. The matrix is not a theory, it is a force field, you can't feel it, because you r being forced to work in someone else's field. Develope your own mind field

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