Applied Behavioural Scientist | Patrick Fagan | BIG PICTURE INTERVIEW SERIES

1 year ago

Patrick is an accomplished applied behavioural scientist with over a decade’s experience ‘turning minds into money’. That is, he takes psychology academia and practically applies it in the real world. We spoke together on a panel and I was impressed by his presentation in dissecting He spoke on the behavioural strategies used by the WHO and governments during the Covid period.

For over a decade Patrick has been running research to help clients understand their customers and improve their products and communications, using a whole range of techniques, such as implicit testing, psychometrics, projective interviews, behavioural experiments, biometrics, and more.

In this candid personal interview he describes his personal dilemma working in the industry of social influence and methods use to 'nudge' the public opinion for clients. When rendering this service to Coca Cola to sell product, it's a straight forward purpose, but when the government went all out of Covid in a moral crusade, it raised concern.

The WHO was coordinating lockdowns, masks and the jab rollout with sophisticated psychological messaging strategies the Patrick was familiar with. He breaks it all down in this epic interview on social influence tacts from the industry's best.

He dissects the text we were all sent to tell us to get jabbed. He breaks down the methods governments, industry and more use to socially manipulate the public with a prison you wouldn't think possible. Learn from this interview. Take notes. It is a dissection of influence.


Mirrored from / Original Video Source: BIG PICTURE with James Patrick (Planet Lockdown -

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