Disease - Wild Blueberries Vs Cultivated Blueberries

1 year ago

Disease – Wild Blueberries Vs Cultivated

Stock Up & Save – Get $20 Off a Case of Twelve Wyman’s Wild Blueberry Juice at https://bit.ly/38cMfvd

Cultivated blueberries and wild blueberries are not the same thing, and therefore effect
people differently. Cultivated blueberries are weak. Cultivated doesn’t have the same antioxidant or phytochemical compound strength or that adaptogenic power that wild blueberries have. The cultivated blueberry has not been around for thousands of years, it’s a spin-off of its cousin the wild blueberry. A wild blueberry can survive on its own through droughts, frozen tundra, floods, freeze and fire. There are hundreds
and hundreds of different varieties of wild blueberries within the same crop of wild
blueberries, they are not just one strain, so it can’t be wiped out as easily or at all by disease as the cultivated blueberry can.

I stand behind Wyman’s mission with this juice so much that I am working with
Wyman’s to keep this medicinal drink available. From now through Wednesday,
November 22nd, Wyman’s is offering a special sale: receive $20 off one of their 12-
count cases of Wild Blueberry Juice! Apply the discount at checkout by using code

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