So you think the CoronaPanic is over? Think again!

1 year ago

I know a number of people, especially younger people of the millennial persuasion, who are perplexed and confused, if not disturbed, by the fact that I continue to discuss the fallout of the CoronaPanic: i.e. lockdowns, masks and more specifically, the experimental gene transfer injections manufactured by serial corporate criminals. You see in their minds, it's all over, and they don't understand why I'm still fixated on it.

I suppose from their point of view, I must appear to be something akin to that Japanese soldier in WWII who continued fighting the war long after the Americans demonstrated they not only had the bomb, and were not only crazy enough to use it (Hiroshima) but were morally disintegrated enough to drop a second one (Nagasaki) as nothing more than an experimental study to observe the effects of nuclear radiation on a civilian population.

I suppose from the perspective of the media mesmerized, everything that transpired in 2020-2022 constituted a perfectly rational and reasonable response to a terrible global pandemic. The lockdowns were implemented by a wonderful and benevolent state apparatus who were only acting in our best interests. The masks kept us all safe, and more importantly, they kept others safe from us (i.e. my mask protects you, your mask protects me), and in a feat of miraculous "Follow the Science ™," a wonderful and benevolent pharmaceutical industry whipped up a magical, experimental treatment that ultimately put an end to the crisis (i.e. your vaccine protects me, my vaccine protects you).

Along the way, a wonderful and benevolent corporate media apparatus kept us sufficiently informed about all the dangers and then appropriately chastised and mocked any who refused to "Trust the Science ™" and throughout the entire ordeal, wonderful and benevolent western governments did their best to keep up with how, "The Science ™ has Changed."

Sure they made some mistakes but that's perfectly understandable considering how difficult it must have been to keep pace with, "The Speed of Science ™".

What on God's green earth was there to possibly complain about? And more to the point, why would anyone still be complaining now that it's all over?

Well, my dear darlings and adorable millennial friends, I have some bad news for you sunshines...

It ain't over.

Cinephobia Radio elucidates...

Cinephobia Radio #030

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