Truth Will Set You Free EP160

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Truth Will Set You Free Episode 160 has a special guest, Matt Locke from the Voice of the Working man to hang out and chat all things current this week.

We'll talk about the "newly released," J6th tapes by request of Mike Johnson.
We'll talk about some of the Lefties that are taking little nibbles of the red pill like Michael Rappaport and Cardi B. Is it legit?

Also, Miss Universe had two ... um ... men in the contest this year, lets see if we can even properly talk about his.

If we can we'll discuss Elon Musk's statement that is causing advertisers to pull out with X/ errr Twitter. With that we'll discuss the new trend of sharing Osama Bin Laden writings to back your anti Israel position and while we are at it, why Mayorkas wasn't impeached.

I'm sure we'll have more to discuss than just that... so please join us on Tuesday, for Truth Tuesday!

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#politics #truthwillsetyoufree #awakenotwoke #conservative #democrat #republican #libertarian #liberal #constitution #MissUniverse #redpill #J6tapes

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