Nov 1, 2023 ❤️ Jesus says... You shall see Me alongside the Jewish Nation

1 year ago

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You shall see Me alongside the Jewish Nation...

November 1, 2023 - Excerpt from Jesus' Message thru Sister Clare

(Clare) May the Lord keep our hearts and minds in His peace as we cleave to Him with all our strength... Amen. Jesus began speaking to me when I came into prayer. Very sweetly He said...

(Jesus) “Keep Me company, My Beloved Brides. This is a difficult task, the most difficult of recent times and there are many unbelievers.

“You spoke well when you said you cannot wait to see the expression on their faces when they see who their Messiah is and always has been. There are many who would rather die than admit that I am He. They will perish in Hell, and for these I am especially asking for your prayers. In their pride and hardness of heart they will categorically deny Me. And this will seal their fate.”

(Clare) But Lord, in Your mercy, is there no remedy for them?

(Jesus) “There is more than meets the eye in these ones, such as hidden things, abominations that have been passed off as tradition. Because of these things they are chained to the devil and his dark ways. Their children too will be accursed because of their bloodline, yet there is hope that My Spirit will triumph in their thinking, thus bringing them to the truth. Pray for them.”

(Clare) I would love to be there, Lord. At that moment Jesus reminded me of this scripture: "Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also who pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him." (Revelation 1:7)

(Jesus) “You shall see Me alongside the Jewish nation, your own brothers and sisters. Man’s technology has nothing on Heaven’s technology.

“My words must come to pass, and it will be a time of great mercy, Clare. Much will be forgiven the Jewish and Muslim peoples. The way they were formed from infancy has had a stranglehold on their free will and conscience and common sense. There will be massive retraining and regrouping. Some will receive truth, others will not, this is yet to be determined.”

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