Wardrobe Goes Free Fall Mode And Breaks Into Pieces

6 years ago

Whether you are relocating or just rearranging, moving heavy furniture is a demanding job. That is why you have to have a plan and use simple techniques to move the heavy, awkward items without wrecking your back, your house or the furniture. Instead of using their head, these fellows decided to give their invention a try and were in for a big surprise.

This video was filmed on May 28, 2017 in Gurupi, Tocantins, Brazil when a group of friends decided to try and move a wardrobe from the first floor to the ground floor. They placed a pile of mattresses on the ground floor and let the wardrobe go for a free fall one storey down, hoping that it would land intact. Of course, they were wrong!

Footage shows five people holding a heavy wardrobe and slowly moving it above the pile of mattresses they have previously laid one storey below. Hear them count to three and let go of the wardrobe in their failed attempt to move furniture like it were a piece of cake. The result didn’t come as a surprise, at least not to me and to the guy filming this video, because the moment the wardrobe hit rock bottom, it broke into hundred pieces, and the guy started cheering and rooting, filming the leftovers of what was a wardrobe unit.

If you ever have to maneuver a wardrobe down a hallway, you may find it almost impossible to carry it horizontally and make the turn. Transporting the item downstairs is difficult, and these fellows decided to take furniture moving to a different level.

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