What does Being a Planet of Love and Harmony Look Like?

6 months ago

The time has come for us to ascend to a planet of pure love, peace and harmony. But this world isn't going to be magically transformed overnight. It starts with each one of us transforming ourselves, but the Divine energies of this transformation are finally available to us and in this very moment, we are going through changes as a human collective that we haven't gone through before, things will never go back to the way things were - some can notice this, some are yet to awaken to the shifts this planet is going through. This video talks about how this transformation will look like for us individually and collectively.

I offer spiritual coaching and guidance in the higher frequencies of Love, if you feel like I could be of assistance to you on your journey do get in touch with me via email, and we can plan to meet online: theacademyofgoldenlight@gmail.com.
To know more about us, visit: https://www.academyofgoldenlight.co.in/

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