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Ep. 378- People Pleasing and The Fawn Response

1 year ago

This is a deeply important episode of the podcast, and we want to share with you why it is so special and powerful to us.

This episode changed how we see everything about our lives, and we don't say that lightly.

During the episode, we explore people-pleasing through the lens of the Fawn response.

The raw vulnerability of this episode offers an inside look into a private side of our relationship that we don't normally share on the podcast or publicly, for that matter.

We experience moments like this in our relationship all the time, but they are close, intimate, sacred moments where we support one another with unconditional Love as we heal.

We invite you to listen with an open heart and get curious about what may come up for you.

Like we said, it changed how we see everything.

Lastly, if you feel moved or impacted by this episode, please share it. We're excited to share this episode with the world because we believe it will be incredibly healing for so many.

Thank you for listening and supporting the podcast.

With our Deepest Love,

Steph & Craig

Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

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