FiZiQApp MAGA Sample

7 months ago

I dedicate this to all the MAGnificent MAGA women! We deserve this one!

MAGA FiZiQ is about the power, strength and creativity of the post mother and pre Wise Crone phase of the woman.

She is gaining a new sense of freedom in life, is wise, often spiritually and emotionally more mature, has lived life and accumulated invaluable experience. She knows her mind and is more comfortable in her skin. She has more freedom to delve deeper into her interests and what her purpose in life is.

MAGA FiZiQ assists with this stage of the journey and its challenges, particularly with the physical, emotional and mental symptoms of menopause.

This is available in the GOLD Membership.

FiZiQ is a new advanced technology combining BioRezonant Frequencies with Astrology, Music and Colour Frequencies to create Vizual Rezonant Remedies-Frequency Restoring Homeostasis.

See what is available by registering for a FREE Membership. @FiZiQApp

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