What To Do When You're Troubled By Someone? Sadhguru

10 months ago

There are a few things in life I cannot stand: Confusion, Questions Answered with Questions and Disillusionment. These are the times when I am ready to throw in the towel. Or attempt to sweep it under the rug. Or ignore whatever is bothering me.

And today, I sit in my kitchen table feeling this way. Troubled.

While I can pinpoint the central focus of my troubled nature, I can’t seem to find on my own accord what to do with this. Purpose, Direction, and Action normally come naturally to me in most situations. However, now, the current one I am mulling over in the silence of my home, is beyond my normal constructs.

“lack of understanding; uncertainty… the state of being bewildered or unclear in one’s mind about something.”

Bewildered, I like that word. This is my feeling. I am bewildered about my current situation. Uncertainty seems to be plaguing me right now. And the only way for me to begin to work through my thoughts is to somehow vocalize my proces.
“a feeling of disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be.”

This is good too. Why? Well, I am typically a well natured person who believes the best in people. What happens when the best isn’t there? Or just when you thought things were improving or getting better, the bottom drops out. Disappointment comes in and that is part of my feelings now.

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