Creepy Sam Seder, Ohio Abortion Ballot Initiative & the Roe Effect

1 year ago

Creepy Sam Seder probably thinks Black women killing his voters is a good idea. His victory lap might be a bit premature.,clevelandcityohio,cincinnaticityohio,toledocityohio,akroncityohio,columbuscityohio/PST045222

Ohio population 1960 = 9,647,079 * 2000 = 11,353,140 * 2010 = 11,536,504 * 2020 = 11,799,374 * 2022 = 11,756,058

Akron, Cincinnati, Dayton, Cleveland, Columbus, Toledo population 1960 = 2,720,602 [28.2% of OH’s population] Akron, Cincinnati, Dayton, Cleveland, Columbus, Toledo population 2000 = 2,220,151 [19.55% of OH’s population] * 2010 = 2,108,636 [18.27% of OH’s population] * 2020 = 2,186,270 [18.52% of OH’s population] 2022 = 2,169,845 [18.45% of OH’s population]

Ohio Abortion ballot measure, Issue I,_Right_to_Make_Reproductive_Decisions_Including_Abortion_Initiative_(2023) There will be some haggling over this & moving goalposts will be employed. When does “fetal viability” occur? Do “reproductive decisions” encompass mutilating your genitals & “transitioning” to a women from a man (which is utter B.S. anyways)?

Creepy old man Sam Seder is doing a victory lap over the abortion vote in Ohio, but I think it might be a boomerang that comes back, only to clobber him. I’ve talked to my father about this a lot & I concur w/ Ron Paul on abortion – here is a snippet:

[Ron Paul quote begin] Former President Donald Trump infuriated many anti-abortion voters last week when he refused to commit to national abortion restrictions and seemed to blame them for Republican losses in the 2022 mid-term elections. Trump even criticized the six-week abortion ban signed by Florida Governor (and fellow Republican candidate) Ron DeSantis. So, not only is Trump balking at national restrictions but he is criticizing a state restriction. What are pro-life voters to do…

I strongly believe that the more difficult the issue is, the more local should be its solution. That is the real success of the Dobbs decision, because abortion should have never been a federal issue in the first place. Overturning Roe v Wade returned us to where we belonged, with state and local laws governing all issues not Constitutionally reserved for the Federal Government.

Bigger problems are best decided closest to home. Look for example at what happened when parents started going to school board meetings and demanding accountability on everything from Covid restrictions to transgenders in school bathrooms. Parents were extremely effective because they only had to travel to the local school board meeting to demand – and get - results. Does anyone think they would have been able to get the same results at the Department of Education in Washington DC? [Ron Paul quote end]

So, if I were a Republican in the U.S. House, U.S. Senate or running for a spot in one of those establishments, I would come out & say I would vote “Present” on any legislation addressing abortion rights or abortion in Congress. Period.

We did not fight this hard to return it to those clowns in Washington & we got a good Federalism (and perhaps a lean towards dual Federalism once again that existed prior to FDR’s New Deal, which tore a lot of that down) w/ the Dobbs ruling.

I’ve urged my elected officials in Washington to de-centralize other items like so-called “Means-Tested Entitlements (Medicaid, Food Stamps, LIHEAP, Unemployment Insurance, etc.) & give that power back to the states where it belongs.

The Marxists in the Democrat Party do not want that, they want a one-size-fits-all where Leviathan yokes every state & every citizen w/ a policy.

So, let us not undercut what was done in Dobbs by sending it back to Washington, let each state decide & in Ohio they decided.

Before Democrats take a victory lap on this, let us consider the demographics of abortion.

In New York City & many other areas such as Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Michigan, New Jersey, Tennessee and Virginia – the vast majority of aborted children tend to be black. For 2016 in these United States for the areas reporting data on abortions by ethnicity there were 126,841 abortions performed on “white” women, 137,510 abortions performed on “black” women, 29,731 abortions performed on women categorized as “other” race & 68,164 abortions performed on “Hispanic” women.

Among the 30 areas that reported race by ethnicity data for 2020, non-Hispanic White women (White) and non-Hispanic Black women (Black) accounted for the highest percentages of all abortions (32.7% and 39.2%, respectively), and Hispanic women and non-Hispanic women in the other race category accounted for lower percentages (21.1% and 7.0%, respectively) (Table 6). White women had the lowest abortion rate (6.2 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years) and ratio (118 abortions per 1,000 live births), and Black women had the highest abortion rate (24.4 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years) and ratio (426 abortions per 1,000 live births).

Among the 40 areas that reported by marital status for 2020, 13.7% of women who obtained an abortion were married, and 86.3% were unmarried (Table 7). The abortion ratio was 46 abortions per 1,000 live births for married women and 412 abortions per 1,000 live births for unmarried women… Among the 43 areas that reported the number of previous live births for 2020, 39.1%, 24.5%, 20.3%, 9.7%, and 6.4% of abortions reported were among women who had zero, one, two, three, or four or more previous live births, respectively (Table 8). Among the 42 areas that reported the number of previous induced abortions for 2020, 57.7%, 24.1%, 10.5%, and 7.8% of abortions reported were among women who had had zero, one, two, or three or more previous induced abortions, respectively (Table 9)…

In reporting areas that provided data that met CDC reporting standards, abortions that were categorized by weeks of gestation were further categorized by age and by race or ethnicity (Table 14). In every subgroup for these characteristics, the highest percentage of abortions occurred at ≤9 weeks’ gestation. In 41 reporting areas, by age, 61.0% of adolescents aged <15 years and 75.5% of adolescents aged 15–19 years obtained an abortion at ≤9 weeks’ gestation, compared with ≥80.6% among women aged ≥20 years. Conversely, 18.7% of adolescents aged <15 years and 9.1% of adolescents aged 15–19 years obtained an abortion after 13 weeks’ gestation, compared with 6.3%–7.2% for women aged ≥20 years. In 28 reporting areas, by race or ethnicity, 80.1% of abortions obtained by Black women occurred at ≤9 weeks’ gestation, compared with 81.5% of non-Hispanic women in the other race category, 82.0% of White women, and 83.9% of Hispanic women. Conversely, 5.4% of abortions obtained by Hispanic women occurred after 13 weeks’ gestation, followed by 6.2% of White women, 6.3% of Black women, and 6.9% of non-Hispanic women in the other race category…

Among the 30 areas that reported race by ethnicity data for 2019, non-Hispanic White women and non-Hispanic Black women accounted for the largest percentages of all abortions (33.4% and 38.4%, respectively), and Hispanic women and non-Hispanic women in the other race category accounted for smaller percentages (21.0% and 7.2%, respectively) (Table 6). Non-Hispanic White women had the lowest abortion rate (6.6 abortions per 1,000 women) and ratio (117 abortions per 1,000 live births), and non-Hispanic Black women had the highest abortion rate (23.8 abortions per 1,000 women) and ratio (386 abortions per 1,000 live births).

Among the 42 areas that reported by marital status for 2019, 14.5% of women who obtained an abortion were married, and 85.5% were unmarried (Table 7). The abortion ratio was 46 abortions per 1,000 live births for married women and 394 abortions per 1,000 live births for unmarried women.

Illinois, Georgia, Florida, District of Columbia, New York City & Michigan were some of the jurisdictions w/ the highest rates.

The women receiving abortions tend to be Black & not married. Unfortunately, many black children grow up in a single-parent household even if they are able to get out of the womb alive. This policy, along w/ the welfare state, an ineffective & evil government education system, a lack of personal responsibility & a victim mentality pushed by Marxists has ravaged the black community.

As an aside, I think Ohio Speaker (Ballotpedia link) Jason Stephens had the best answer on this: in response to statement from Ohio Republican lawmakers regarding “removing jurisdiction from the judiciary”: “I mean, we believe in the constitution and the three branches of government. I think, you know, this is ‘Schoolhouse Rock’-type stuff. We need to make sure that we have the three branches of government, and the constitution is what we abide by.”

Abortion remaining a right enshrined in the Ohio Constitution guarantees that fewer black women will experience live births & that will be typically occurring in the list of Ohio cities I posted above.

Those cities (Akron, Dayton, Columbus, Cincinnati, Toledo & Cleveland) tend to be more “diverse” than Ohio en masse, ergo, the vast majority of abortions will be performed on unmarried, young black women, ensuring their population does not grow as much.

Those cities all lean Democrat or are staunch Democrat & have been for some time. They typically vote Democrat in statewide elections & all the Ohio State House Districts for those cities are Democrat.

It’s not college-educated, non-Hispanic, White women getting the vast majority of abortions, it’s Black women & they vote Democrat in greater numbers than any other gender/demographic. In essence, Democrats are ensuring their voters do not reproduce, which is fine by me, but if they had a father to teach them to keep their pants on until they’re married, maybe they would not be slaughtering their children.

Go ahead, kill all your children, chop that family tree down. This is part of the reason Democrats are trying to import millions & millions of poor folks from other countries, this is to replace all their voters that have been murdered since Roe v. Wade.

Approximately 8.7% of women who obtained abortions in 2021 [in Ohio] were under 20 years of age; with another 29.5% between the ages of 20-24 years of age (Table 2). While the age distribution of women obtaining abortions has remained relatively unchanged since 2004, the age-specific abortion rates for women under age 25 have steadily decreased (Figure 5).

Approximately 80% of women who obtained abortions in Ohio were never married, divorced, or widowed (Table 2). Approximately 12% of women who obtained abortions in Ohio were married or separated (Table 2). Approximately 42.6% of resident women who obtained abortions and for whom race was reported were White; 49% were Black; 3.1% were Asian/Pacific Islander; and 4.9% reported more than one race (Figure 2). 5% of women with known ethnicity who obtained abortions were of Hispanic origin (Table 1).

Perusing the data (Table 2), you will see Blacks are disproportionately aborted & in 2020 & 2021 the numbers of Black children that were snuffed out increased to a point where they were more than the White total nominally.

The % of abortions for Blacks (relative to all abortions in OH) are always well beyond their % of the population.

I believe this will only worsen after Issue I & this will lead to more of those diverse cities growing slowly or as Cleveland & Dayton have done for some time, they will shrink.

Those cities used to be large enough that they had a big say in who ran the Statehouse & who inhabited the Governors’ Mansion. Not anymore and this increased tenacity towards abortion will hammer more nails into that coffin.

You are killing your voters Democrats!

[James Taranto quote begin] It is a statement of fact, not a moral judgment, to observe that every pregnancy aborted today results in one fewer eligible voter 18 years from now. More than 40 million legal abortions have occurred in the United States since 1973, and these are not randomly distributed across the population. Black women, for example, have a higher abortion ratio (percentage of pregnancies aborted) than Hispanic women, whose abortion ratio in turn is higher than that of non-Hispanic whites. Since blacks vote Democratic in far greater proportions than Hispanics, and whites are more Republican than Hispanics or blacks, ethnic disparities in abortion ratios would be sufficient to give the GOP a significant boost--surely enough to account for George W. Bush's razor-thin Florida victory in 2000…

The Roe effect would have made itself felt before post-Roe children even reached voting age. Children, after all, are counted in the population figures that determine states' representation in Congress and the Electoral College. Thus, if the greater prevalence of abortion post-Roe affected statewide fertility patterns, the results would have begun showing up after the 1980 reapportionment--in the 1982 election for Congress, and the 1984 election for president.
The first post-Roe babies reached voting age in 1991, in time for the 1992 election. In 1992 the Roe effect would have been minimal, since it was limited to a small segment of the electorate (18- and 19-year-olds), who tend not to vote. The affected segment of the population grows with each election, ranging up to 23-year-olds in 1996, 27-year-olds in 2000, and 31-year-olds in 2004. The Roe effect is compounded over generations. Children who are never born do not have children or grandchildren.

Critics of the Roe effect hypothesis point out that abortion does not necessarily diminish a woman's lifetime fertility. A woman may, for example, have an abortion while in college, but later marry and bear children – children she might not have had, had she been forced to carry her collegiate pregnancy to term. Yet it is not clear how much this might mitigate the Roe effect. Some women do abort their final pregnancy, and delayed childbearing is one manifestation of the Roe effect. If a woman has a child at, say, age 30 rather than 20, one additional census passes before the child counts toward his state's congressional and electoral college apportionment, and two or three presidential elections pass before he reaches voting age. The compounding element applies here as well; if a woman has a daughter at 30 rather than 20, the daughter reaches childbearing age a decade later than she otherwise would have. Moreover, attitudes about abortion and politics are subject to change with age and experience, and usually in a conservative direction. Thus, some women who delay childbearing contribute to the Roe effect on both ends: by having abortions when they are young, single, and pro-choice, and by bearing children when they are older, married, and pro-life.

Has the Roe effect borne itself out in practice? The results are mixed. In terms of reapportionment, the trend is decidedly in favor of Republican states. The 30 states George W. Bush carried in 2000 had 271 electoral votes, a bare majority. Reapportionment after the 2000 census increased that number to 278. In the 1980s, they were worth only 267 electoral votes, not enough for a majority; in the 1970s, 260. The trend continues: Of the 10 fastest-growing states in 2003-04, Bush carried nine in 2004. (One of them, New Mexico, went for Al Gore four years earlier.)

[NOTE: I will have a video soon on the coming 2030 massive Census realignment. For what it’s worth, states that Donald Trump won twice (IA, MT, ND, SD, FL, SC, AL, IN, OH, UT, ID, WY, KS, OK, TX, TN, NE, MO, AR, AK, KY, MS, WV, LA & NC) had 229 electoral votes in 2004, 232 electoral votes in 2012 & will have 230 electoral votes in 2024. This total will be much larger in the 2032 POTUS sweepstakes following the 2030 Census, more on this in a forthcoming video. NY, CA & IL had 107 EVs in 2004, but will have 101 EVs in 2024. That total will be much lower by 2032. Stay tuned!]

But Roe effect doubters can point to 2004 exit-poll results that found 18- to 29-year-old voters--i.e., those born after 1975, who correspond closely with the post-Roe generation--were the only age cohort that supported John Kerry over Mr. Bush, by 54% to 45%. Yet caution is in order in interpreting these results. The Roe effect does not predict that younger voters will be more apt to vote Republican than older ones, only than they otherwise would be. Putting the Roe effect to a real test will require a longitudinal look at these voters. How will their voting pattern change, as they grow older and more settled? In any given year, the youngest age cohort will include a high proportion of lower-income and never-married voters, both traits that are highly correlated with voting Democratic. Marriage, in particular, tends to correspond with conservative attitudes on abortion and other social issues, and therefore with voting Republican. According to 2004 exit polls, Mr. Bush outpolled Mr. Kerry among married voters, 57% to 42%, while Mr. Kerry beat Mr. Bush among singletons, 58% to 40%...

And if Republicans keep winning the presidency and appointing Supreme Court justices, Roe v. Wade may eventually be overturned. [NOTE: Mr. Taranto was prophetic on this, wasn’t he?] (This almost certainly would have happened in 1992 if the Senate had approved Robert Bork's confirmation five years earlier.) If Roe goes by the boards, one would expect fertility to increase in states that outlawed abortion, which would presumably be largely conservative and Republican ones. If the Roe effect continues to operate, though, it would make those states more Democratic and liberal, since women who otherwise might get abortions would no longer have the option in their home states. But in the end, that may not matter. If Roe were overturned, the politics of abortion would change dramatically, and in the Democrats' favor. With the legality of abortion itself on the line, the debate would shift away from the pro-choice extremes, forcing pro-choice politicians to take a more centrist (and popular) position. Republicans would be torn between their antiabortion base and more moderate voters, for whom an outright ban on abortion is a bridge too far.

The best solution for both parties would likely be a return to the status quo ante Roe--that is, for Congress and the president largely to ignore abortion, and leave its regulation to the state legislatures. This would allow politicians, Democrat and Republican alike, to tailor their views to match those of their constituents and their own consciences, and it would remove abortion as a polarizing issue from national elections. Thus, one might say that both Roe and the Roe effect contain the seeds of their own demise. [Taranto quote end]

James channels Ron Paul & vice-versa, saying the end of Roe should also mean the end of Washington getting involved in abortion, period.

The Democrats will try to bait Republicans on this & my advice to any Republicans running to replace Sherrod Brown – when he has a hissy fit over Black children not getting killed 35 weeks into a pregnancy, tell him he might want to read the Dobbs opinion, it is a state issue & it should stay that way. I intend to vote “present” on any legislation addressing abortion in the U.S. Congress.

We need to relegate more activities to the states. We saw during COVID a bevy of states wreck their economies because they had a federal safety net that taxpayers in Iowa et al. states that did not shut the entire place down. Make them do it themselves & raise their own money, instead of relying on Leviathan & its ability to expand the money supply at will, risking the future of your grandchildren.

We need more state activity in issues like Medicaid, food stamps, LIHEAP, unemployment insurance, etc. This will keep states that are losing people, states that are declining (like NY, CA, IL) from sucking off the taxpayer teat, fleecing taxpayers in 47 other states.

I urge you ALL to write your U.S. Senators & your Congressman, tell them to vote “present” on any legislation addressing abortion. We did not work this hard to return it to the states, just so the criminal enterprise in Washington could create a one-size-fits-all regime… again.

States like California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts – those states will likely have willy-nilly abortions. Get pregnant at a party (and most abortions are done early in the pregnancy) & you don’t want to bother putting the kid up for adoption – just go to Planned Parenthood & kill it. Their legislators will do what those sick people (and there are plenty of people leaving those states) want & abortion will be subject to zero restrictions. Go for it, just do not ask me to pay for it.

While I was watching coverage of the 2023 elections, Rick Santorum actually had an intelligent thought. He opined (paraphrase), “I am not a fan of direct democracy.”

Neither am I, but Iowa Republicans used this against Democrats in 2022, putting a,_Right_to_Keep_and_Bear_Arms_Amendment_(2022) constitutional amendment on the ballot which basically took red flag laws to the gallows. This is part of the reason I believe Zach Nunn was able to win a close race & Reynolds won by a YUUUGE margin.

I am generally against that though, just write to your legislators, have them do that for you & if you do not like what they’re doing then I suggest you replace them.

Here is Iowa’s bill

The ACLU & other mentally ill folks like Story County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal, Claire Celsi, etc. et al. are going crazy over this because they want Black children murdered in the final trimester.

They are the extremists, they are the group (and reading the bill Kim Reynolds signed into law will make this clear) that refuses to compromise, to find any middle ground Mr. Taranto was talking about.

They want abortions at nine months, they want you to pay for them & they’re throwing hissy fits that we have some Federalism making a small comeback in this country. The just-for-the-heck-of-it, willy-nilly abortions in Iowa will no longer happen.

If Democrats want more abortions, get rid of the federal welfare state, that will likely induce more of these people who get abortions (black women who at best, finished high school, are not married & poor) to get those abortions instead of being “punished with a baby.” I’m sure Barack Hussein Obama would agree w/ that.

In conclusion, the bi-polaroid Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport may find out that this abortion victory in Ohio results in more Republican voters & bigger wins statewide for Republicans in Ohio.

It will also take a Democrat talking point (assuming the Ohio GOP takes my advice) away, they cannot whine about abortion in Ohio because the voters already spoke. Less black women will reproduce in cities that are already hemorrhaging population & more people will move out of those areas.

The Democrats in Ohio are becoming extinct & more of their voters are going to end up dead, this is the crazy silver-lining to this for the GOP.

GOP, just shut up about federal abortion legislation, the SCOTUS has spoken, leave it to the states & let’s work on giving more items to the states, just as it should be.

Exit Question for Story County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal: Why did you allow yourself to be punished with a baby? You have never mentioned the father of your children, but you often mention your parents & your daughters (she has two if I remember right) & you show us pictures of food you have cooked.

She is so co-dependent, she has to show us she can cook. Amazing! I make a mean bowl of oatmeal Latifah, but I keep that to myself.

Anyways, if there was no federal welfare state to lean on (and why did your parents not help you out when you needed the Internet, isn’t that their job?) would you have allowed yourself “to be punished with a baby?”

If there were no dollars flowing from the Treasury into your wallet, would you have aborted those kids Latifah Faisal? All those posts you make are public, so you can’t tell me to mind my own business.

You can’t accuse me of being mean because you defend abortion as a sacrament, so if you had terminated your daughters in the womb, it’s no big deal. If you want more abortions, end the welfare state because the mistakes you made when you were much younger were your mistakes. It is not my fault you are incapable of cultivating a decent relationship w/ the opposite gender of your species, that is your fault.

Someone needed to sit you down & give you a Coming To Jesus talk, but you never got that & now your political views are a microcosm of your own failures as a human being.

If either of your progeny get raped, they can get an abortion in Iowa. If a physician determines the baby is not viable due to a defect or the health of the mother is in imminent danger, an abortion can be performed or just get it done before a fetal heartbeat is detected.

If they, like you, are “punished with a baby” because of their own inability to avoid “making a provision for the flesh” – get to the Planned Parenthood murder factory before a fetal heartbeat is detected (or if they’re exceedingly stupid, keep those Plan B pills stocked up in the medicine cabinet) or you’ll be forced to let that child live & then I would strongly suggest sending it to a middle class family in Idaho, where it will live a normal life safe from the mental illnesses permeating a few counties in Iowa. I Digress! Mr. Chairman, I Yield Back!

PS this renewed focus on abortion, much like the George Floyd riots will induce more Democrat constituencies to abort their children, just like the George Floyd riots induced more Democrat constituencies to murder Black folks.

This may make the 2030 Census shift (6+ years to go) even larger towards the GOP. Buckle up kids.

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