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Petronella Ravenshear:
"What inspires me? I am inspired by the body’s innate healing power, sometimes called the ‘wisdom of the body’. I am inspired by the massive changes in health that occur with changes in nutrition and how the body affects the mind and vice versa. And I’m always inspired by the people who are ready for change.
This is my philosophy on food:
Eat food as close to nature as possible.
As a rule of thumb – if you can pick it or dig it up and eat it, eat it.
If you have to process it in any way to make it edible, leave it.
If you can hunt it or fish it, eat it.
Food with shelf life has no life – avoid it.
Of course there are exceptions to this, but very few."

In its original sense, the word ‘diet’ means ‘way of life’. And that is just what The Human Being Diet (HBD) is. It’s not a ‘diet book’, it’s a three-month programme that lays the foundation for a new way of eating and living. And it’s designed to be easy to follow for any human being who wants to feel and look as good as they possibly can.

HBD, which is suitable for all men and women (other than those who are breastfeeding or pregnant) is split into 4 phases.

The first 16 days are hardcore, being oil, alcohol, sugar and grain-free, and should be viewed as sacrosanct. They set the scene for the success of the programme and the metabolic reset it delivers. There are 10 rules to follow, and all the instructions and explanations are found within the book, along with some recipes.

One of the exciting side effects of following the HBD programme is weight loss. What else can you expect? Better energy, more resilience and a brighter outlook on life. along with stable blood sugar levels, rebalanced hormones and a resolution of many painful conditions.

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