The Forever Chemicals Left Behind from the Manhattan Project

6 months ago

The 3M chemicals that came from the the Manhattan Projectm secret project, building the atomic bomb for World War II.

The per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of chemicals used to make fluoropolymer coatings and products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease, and water.

Fluoropolymer coatings can be in a variety of products, which includees your clothing, furniture, adhesives, food packaging, heat-resistant non-stick cooking surfaces, and the insulation of electrical wire.

It's not just 3M or DuPont who are responsible for PFAS pollution. There's about a dozen companies that have produced PFAS around the world.
Highly concentrated levels have been found in Europe, Japan, and Australia. It's become a multi-billion dollar problem globally.

Like the US, a lot of these sites are places where the chemicals are manufactured, or sites where other companies use them.
One of the most widespread sources are military bases and airports, where firefighting foams containing
3M's PFOS were sprayed right into the ground.

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the EPA put pressure on companies to get rid of them. And so these long-chain PFAS,
like PFOA and PFOS, which we know so much about their health harms, have been phased out mostly since then.

Unfortunately, these chemical companies didn't just do away with PFAS, they replaced them.

DuPonts spinoff Chemours, for Teflon. Instead of making C8, they started making C6, something we now call GenX.

They simply renamed it. Now GenX is being found in drinking water supplies. GenX causes the exact
same three tumors in rats that PFOA, the C8, did.

This is not just an individual problem, it's a community problem, it's time to take action!

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PFAS, GenX, PFOA, C8, Tumors, Cancer, Forever Chemicals,

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