Far-right outsider Javier Milei wins Argentina’s presidency

6 months ago

Javier Milei secured victory in Argentina’s presidential elections on Sunday, steering the country rightward with an anti-establishment campaign reminiscent of former US President Donald Trump.

The runoff concluded with rival Sergio Massa conceding even before official results were released.

Milei, a former TV pundit, pledged to break with the status quo and aims to dollarize Argentina, a move unprecedented for a country of its size.

Following the win, Milei announced plans to visit the US and Israel before his December inauguration, citing a “spiritual connotation” for the trip to meet his “rabbi friends.”

His victory marks a significant political rise for the outsider who vowed to lead Argentina into a new era, CNN reported.

READ MORE: https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/19/world/argentina-vote-milei-massa-nov-19/index.html

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