1 year ago

Most of the narration you hear is from a BBC film called "The News Benders". If you have not seen that film it is a must watch. You can watch it here:
Here is a little about that 28 minute "News Benders" film that was put out by the BBC:
In 1968 they told everyone (who would listen) that the news was fake and that a computer (AI? Demons?) was running the world and calling the shots. It also gives us some insights on how they use threats, blackmail and money to get someone to go along with their plan no matter how evil it is. Over the next 60+ years they would tell us lies in the news and the reality in comedy, fiction and more. This was the first real "head up" about fake news.

They always tell us in advance what they are going to do. I may come in a news story, a movie, a cartoon or on television. They do it in code (Donald Trump is good at this) so you have to read between the lines of what they are saying. For example when he says "These people are stupid"...he is talking about you and me to his masters and his peers not to us about the government and politicians.

He endorsed and promoted the vaccine at the same time warning us not to take it but to use Ivermectin. He talks on points that we like to hear while throwing up 666 signs and Masonic symbols. They always show us and tell us, we have to have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Doctors backed the Covid Hoax to their own deaths. Why? Medical school is about "training" not education. They were "indoctrinated". School is not about education it is about training now more than ever. We are graduating high school and college children that are complete idiots. This cannot be denied, just listen to the garbage that comes out of their mouths. Complete nonsense.
They cannot use non digital clocks and cannot count. Geography? The cannot find any basic area on a map. They are deliberately making children fat, lazy and stupid.

Politicians are not making mistakes. The government is doing all that they are doing on purpose. We cannot vote our way out of this mess. The select who we elect. Now they just fake the election entirely. Get it?

I am not sure of the source for this shot video due to the fact that the channel on the platform I found it on did not name his source. He rarely if ever does. I am at this time still trying to source this video.

Everything is scripted and planned way in advance. Once you understand how deep the lies go, it can rock your world mentally. Most cannot or refuse to accept it. There are parts of me that wish I had never found out. The harder you try to break from away from what I call fantasy land, the harder life can become.

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