Labour MPs whinge about being frightened of their own voters!

10 months ago

If Labour MPs don't want to feel intimidated by their own constituents, perhaps listen to them and not Keir Starmer.
Right, so aside from ceasefire abstaining Labour MPs complaining about the Green Party daring to highlight how they voted on that matter, they are also now complaining about being held accountable by those who voted for them, now apparently fearing for their own safety, which is a bit rich when this is over them refusing to back a position whereby Labour declared they were against people in Gaza literally being blown to bits. If you fear for your safety because people who voted for you are holding you accountable for that, try living in Gaza right now, you put their safety as secondary to your own. I am sickened not only by the way Labour and Tory MPs voted or didn’t vote on the matter of a ceasefire as the case may be, but sickened again by their arrogant disregard for their voters holding them to account outside of an election campaign as if they have some divine right to tell us all to shut up in the meantime. I’m not going to be shut up over this, neither should anyone else.
Right so, Labour MP’s and other key figures are having a proper whinge about being held to account for not backing a ceasefire. People are not stupid, they recognise war, they recognise atrocity, they see the images on social media and in the more mainstream sources too and when even the BBC are showing uncharacteristic honesty and criticism of much of what Israel are pushing out by way of propaganda, then obeying the whip of a Zionist without qualification like Keir Starmer, backing Israel whatever they do or say, putting their case above that of the people they are currently blowing to bits, well don’t be surprised if people want to have words with you about that.
Let’s start with Starmer, because as MPs say they now fear for their safety following the ceasefire vote, that SNP amendment to the King’s Speech that Starmer whipped his MPs to abstain on. If they were so worried about how their voters would react, they should have voted like a human being and not the wooden knockoff for a Labour leader they rallied behind instead, but that hasn’t stopped Starmer from whinging too. He told the NewsAgents podcast that: ‘I’ve always been concerned about them. I’ve got a wife who has her own life and I need to ensure that she can live her life in the way that she wants to. I’ve got two children: I’ve got a 15-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl. And my biggest concern – about the only concern I have going forward – is asking myself over and over again, particularly at the moment, how do I protect them as we go into this?’ Now, I would like to think that the only person people appalled by how Labour MPs voted on this last week would take aim at with regards to Starmer’s family is Starmer himself, I’ve certainly not seen or heard of any threats of violence against them, if there have been I stand corrected, but if this is your response, violence, to how many Labour MPs sat on their hands on this issue, how are you any better than those dishing out violence in the Middle East right now?

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Damo Rants Kernow Damo labour mp,labour,labour party,uk politics,politics,house of commons,israel,gaza,kernow damo,jeremy corbyn,damo rants,keir starmer,kernowdamo,starmer,damo,israel lies,israel war,keir starmer palestine,labour mps whing,labour mps intimidated,labour mps voters,try living in gaza,apsana begum,zarah sultana,green party,rachel reeves,angela eagle,angela eagle brick,keir starmer safety,joe biden,jo stevens,rushanara ali,jeremy corbyn safety

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