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Dangerous Dames

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Courtenay Turner and Dr. Lee Merritt discuss the Lucis Trust and UN


  • 0/2000
  • The Lucis logo is called a "Sigil". It's how they cast their wishes into the void.

  • Brazil Gov. warns parents they won’t receive welfare benefits if they don’t get their children vaccinated with the COVID-19 poison injection
,,,. https://thenationalpulse.com/2023/11/08/brazils-govt-threatens-to-withhold-welfare-if-parents-dont-vaccinate-their-children/

  • hi dr lee and courtney, on this fascinating topic you need to do a part 2 and get Jay Dyer from Jays analasis,,hes well educated on this topic.

  • Ty both God Bless. I am 100% convinced the "elite"/parasites =satanists.U.N.=,all owned/founded/supervised by Rockefeller clan of sociopaths

  • from 🇨🇦

  • Hello from Buffalo Gap, Texas!!

  • Courtenay, did you know that philosophy is Satan’s favourite tool? Dr Merrit, don’t you know that it’s impossible Blavatski didn’t know she was involved in witchcraft? We all have instincts what’s Godly and what’s satanic. It shows how good a job the controllers are doing when so many Christians don’t even recognize when they participate in witchcraft every day in so many ways and even are impressed with Satan’s deceivers. If you don’t want to be deceived by Satan’s works, look for answers in the Bible, which is God’s word. When people say: Satan is the ruler of this world, it’s deceiving, like everything from Satan, it’s partially true. Partial truth is a lie. The truth is that Satan has no power unless we give it to him. Jesus won with Satan on the cross for all people, not only concerning our sins but also sickness and prosperity. Too bad people don’t know it and think that they can depend on Satan while Satan only deceives, kills and destroys. Because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross for us, the controllers (most likely Pharisees) continue to do everything possible (which they started be crucifying Jesus) to keep the truth from us. The truth will set you free means knowing God’s word and what Jesus accomplished for us.

  • Einstein was a plagiarist, copycat, took from several german mathematicians.

  • Very interesting. I love learning more on all the topics you two discuss.

  • hello

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  • Crrow 777 interviews count saint germain at least "a" count saint germain often. now that would be a great to dangerous dames and a count

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  • Thanks again Gals. This is very anti-Human topic that needs to be addressed for sure.

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  • Interesting. While I think of it, the trident also appears om very many British coins and bullion. Part of the iconography of Britannia etc, which links of course to the royall familly (blood -lines…?)

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  • Dark Journalist(on YT) has well referenced info on Blavatsky. From his research, Blavatsky originally put forth quality info, but was eventually targeted by DarkCabal and placed into what he calls "Psychic Imprisonment" after which the works she put forth were a bit 'off the rails'. The Bailey handoff was likely fatal for Theosophy and Rudolph Steiner created Anthroposophy after foundational differences arose around Krishnamurti: Theosophical Society's position was they were looking for a New Teacher & Steiner's position was "He already Came"... even after a childhood of being told they were the World's New Teacher, Krishnamurti summarily dismissed this role and broke away to disown any part of it - though he went on to share his knowledge. Some have said of the two: Blavatsky is Buddhism without the trappings | Steiner is Christianity without the trappings One main point of contention with Steiner was where Theosophy was exceeding optimistic about the future, Steiner was quite blunt about it that "Ahriman's Decent" was going present quite the challenge to humanity - as we can see with TransHumanism and the war against the Human Form. Steiner saw that Humanity was quickly falling into Material Scientism and this was the motivation for him to put forth so much Esoteric Knowledge. He posited that they failed in raising the Human Consciousness, but would have another chance in 100yrs to have another go at it. Much of this makes more sense with the understanding that ANY organisation is infiltrated by DarkCabal soon after its inception, so Mystery Schools work behind the scenes, putting forth Adepts with a mission to move the culture forward. All Organized Religion is infiltrated and poisoned - nowhere else can you find lifelong students, that never graduate & are largely no less informed than when they started. Those that find Blavatsky compelling might seek out Steiner's work as it is pointedly Christian and - for me - less adulterated.

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  • Further digging will lead us unto Lucent Technologies -> Alcatel Lucent -> Nokia Their logo is telling, being that of a red circle DarkCabal often will splinter groups getting too much attention, allowing them to develop tech, then "roll them up" decades later. We see this with AT&T/Bell being splintered.. Wireless, MicroProcessing, WiFi, NFC, RFID, Telecom, Cell phones & networks were all developed and once they were ready, were rolled up under Nokia... I witnessed this first-hand being in that industry for many years, eventually being rolled up multiple times A tangent on Bell Labs: look up Plan 9: limbo,styx, infernoOS are a Tech Stack for deployment into anything electronic and is akin to Virtual Machines that live inside VMWare/VirtualBox and allow for "Windows running in Linux" etc. InfernoOS was designed to be deployed in even the smallest memory with the minimal CPU requirements.

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