Juan and Nino Latest

7 months ago

Starts getting to the meat at 14min in.
Note: Trump, has been proven, as a fact, funded by Rottenchilds, groomed by cohen, campaign funded by Maco,CN Zionazi dons (adlson), rolled out 5g weapons system, warp speed genocide, UAE peace coin, the laws that support medical takeover and is SURROUNDED by zionazis in his personal life and advisors, supports the Palestinian genocide and war with Iran. Was in power for a term and did not take out the swamp creatures. Did not arrest Hitlery. But he did role out some bs nft coin for the retard metaverse while the whole country was being destroyed. Got that nft out though, which was super important.... Even played it up as a major announcement. Maybe its just me, but that doesn't make any sense whatsoever if he is a good guy. 5D, 6D, 7D a million d chess, mental gymnastics, Stockholm syndrome, doesn't change those facts. I wish it wasn't so.

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