Job 28-31 Satan's wiles are the difference between the Bibles interpreted by God or of men.

10 months ago

Revelation is about the first and now the second 43-year age of Christian Spiritual Warfare, which transitions the world between Satan's kingdoms and the kingdom of God. Ecclesia or church means those called out of Gnosticism during the Christian race. It is the contest between the wisdom from above and the wisdom from below 1 Cor. 2:6-16. The great fight of faith ended the first time when the Bible was first delivered to the saints "once and for all time" in 70 AD Judas 3, and the King of Kings began His rule. Satan, the second horseman of the apocalypse who now rules over the kingdoms of men by pretending to be God and convincing us that the ways of men are as good as the ways of God, was cast off this world John 12:30-32 as all the stumbling blocks of men were destroyed by the destroyer 1 Cor. 10:10, or space weather and fire 2 Pet. 3: Rev. 8. The meek inherited the world, and Christ began His rule over the earth with the Royal Law of Agape love when it was delivered to Christians in 70 AD. Christ ruled over this world as He did in heaven until the apostasy of the ways of men came in about 340 AD 2 Thess. 2:3-11.

The second coming is about the restoration of the coming of the ways of God James 5:7- 11; Nehemiah. Humanity must patiently suffer under Satan's rule until the first and now the second coming of the ways of God James 5:7-11.

Outline of Revelation
REV 1. Spiritual warfare can only begin when we can read, heed, and obey the warnings from God found in the Sword of the Spirit Rev. 1:3.
REV. 2-3. Spiritual warfare is about overcoming Gnosticism- the subjective truth and pseudo-science preaching, bibles, religions, and moral standards of men that Satan while pretending to be God lied about.
REV 4. Spiritual warfare is between God and men, the faith system of God, and the faith systems of men or the Sword of the Spirit versus the mega sword of Satan, which is every wind of the doctrine of men.
REV. 5-7 Christ gives us the Sword of the Spirit by breaking the seven seals, wiles, or lies of Satan.
REV. 8-22. Two ages of spiritual warfare did and will last for 43 years each, also known as the last days or the end times of Satan's rule over the kingdoms of men. Christ's three woe outline of spiritual warfare is: 1 The first woe - the first ten years of Christianity. 2 The second woe, the second 30 years of Christianity. 3. The third woe, the first three years of pre-Christianity Matt., Mark, Luke, and John.
Revelation is an outline of the New Testament, as prophesied by and foreshadowed by the Old Testament. New Testament Christianity foreshadows today's restoration of Christianity, the first 43 years of Bible restoration which is the time of Spiritual warfare. The Bible is not of private interpretation and was only completed and is now being restored for the 1,000 years of the reign of Christ in the kingdom of heaven during the last 720
years of Christianity and man on this
Earth, where there will be peace on
earth and agape love for all during the
a great wedding feast.

Randall Maxwell


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