Workplace Evil is rampant and increasing.

1 year ago

Some employers are engaging in toxic positivity in which they promote work/life balance while offering employees guided meditations during the work day. In an attempt to sound and look like a compassionate company and care about your well-being. What they are really doing is conditioning employees to think they are valued and cared for by meeting their needs by anticipating those needs and providing a few minutes a month off from their duties to engage in superfluous activelies that borders on discrimination, up to and including leading people into asking for a guide or commonly a spirit guide. This guide leads them to an etherial place in your mind that sounds on the surface to be pleasant and desirable but in reality is a desolate place where you can let your guide take over. I admit I have no proof of this but this conditioning has a two-fold effect. One- getting emails daily and weekly meetings to reinforce the “goodness” of the company and its care for you so that when it implements things that are not good for you, you are less likely to see it as bad because of being conditioned. Think of it like an abusive relationship, typically doesn’t start out that way but usually starts with love bombing then slowly turns bad.
Two- conditioning people in this way is highly unethical. Most people are susceptible to suggestions and some are highly so making some people more likely to be coerced into thoughts, words, and actions that are detrimental to others that think differently.
All of this points to companies using guided meditations, seeking guides and conditioning to create an environment in which independent and free thinkers are weeded out or not valued and everyone else is valued that drinks the kool aid.

Be careful out there and don’t let yourself be fooled. The only guide you need is the Holy Spirit, the only savior Jesus, and God the father to lead you in this life.

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