Massive 7.3 Magnitude Earthquake as seen Underwater

7 months ago

Check at this earthquake underwater. Experiencing an earthquake underground can be a terrifying experience. The severity of the impact on the Earth's surface depends on the nature of the material that the seismic waves travel through, the amount of energy released, and the depth of the earthquake. According to the US Geological Survey, cavers who have experienced earthquakes while underground have reported feeling the shaking, but it depends on the cave characteristics and where they are in it. The underground activity of solid rock and magma can be felt on the Earth's surface because of seismic waves. As potential energy is released from the underground epicenter of the earthquake, it travels outwards in all directions in the same way that ripples appear on water when a stone is thrown into it. Seismic waves can also be caused by natural processes other than earthquakes and by human activities. Some are geological like the Menominee Crack. When magma moves toward the surface prior to volcanic eruptions, it produces seismic waves that can be used to forecast an eruption. Ocean and lake wave activity, mining operations, subway construction, and other underground explosions can cause seismic waves too

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