Muammar Gaddafi – Shames making Viruses & Vaccines for Profit – Speech to United Nations – 9-23-2009

1 year ago

Muammar Gaddafi had balls of steel and a heart of gold and was actually for humanity.

This man was a good man and America made him look like a murderer.

You wonder why the United Nations Army (NATO) wanted to kill him?

He went against the Global Elites and he shamed them for their behavior of creating viruses and providing the solution (vaccines) for profit.

Muammar Gaddafi said: “they make the virus so that the capitalist will have the vaccinations and want to sell it, this is really bad, and vaccinations should not be sold, medicines should not be sold, medicines should not be a commissions business, medicines should be FREE of Charge. Vaccinations should be free to children. The capitalists make the virus and they want to make a profit. Why not make it free of charge, we should make it free, we should not sell it.”

They made an example of what happens to a leader if they don’t go with the Main Agenda. You likely will never see another with the courage to not only disagree with the UN – WEF Agenda but shame it.

He was a brave man and the only one man standing up for humanity. He was a hero.

What did they do?

Made up a bunch of bullshit, fed it to their propaganda machine and they murdered him.

When America tells us who are enemy is, it is likely our best ally.

I clipped this from his entire speech back in 2003 from: Qadhadhfa – Watch the Full Speech to the UN here and he lays it ALL out in this speech, one truth bomb after another. He seriously had major courage. I can guarantee you that no one today has this kind of courage, they are all either evil or spineless cowards that go along advocate for the evil.

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