10 months ago

Mom’s Across America Executive Director, Zen Honeycutt breaks down the results from testing our foods that are filled full of deadly heavy metals and deadly genetically modified poisonous toxic shit that they put in our foods without ever telling us. It is very, very harmful. The FDA has to make itself look real by going after smaller fish, but it is all an illusion to make people believe they are protecting us. It is all one big act. The roundup chemical Glyphosate is now found in EVERYTHING. The highest level of glyphosate was found in Panera Bread and they brag about how healthy they are. We can’t believe any corporation that is telling us their food is healthy. Non-GMO does NOT mean it is free from Glyphosate. People need to wake up. They are really going all out to poison us.

Anything with grain today will have glyphosate.

Probably the best bet is to buy organic as the conventional is saturated with pesticides and herbicides.

ALL fast food foods tested 100% for toxic heavy metals, pesticides and glyphosate. Cadmium being the top heavy metal.

You have to watch this as this women reveals some very disturbing facts.

SOURCE: Del Bigtree – The HighWire with Del Bigtree --

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